Atwater Fall Festival:
September 13, 2008
Here's a picture of our little booth...I shared with a gal named Cindy who makes all these cute little nik-naks...and boy is she an incredible crochetist (ok, I made that word up). Quite a few browsers flowed through our spot, but not too many buyers this year. Not too many vendors were thrilled with the outcome...the blame all points to our lame economy these days. Many people have become money conscious and are not spending compulsively anymore, which sadly those are the people that I rely on for income....LOL.
Presenting Cindy! (above...the gal I shared with)
Sister, Dad and Mom!
Thank you all who came out to support my little Trash Bags business....although, an unprofitable day, it was great to see all ya out there!
~Ashlee Nicole